On Sunday 1st March, SAFS held a Karaoke and Cupcake fundraiser in aid of Simmi climbing Kilimanjaro. The event was a complete success - raising £230.70!
The money raised is going to fund a long weekend for the Parents and Carers Group at SAFS.
The event saw families who use SAFS services, friends and family as well as staff come together to show their support and encouragement for Simmi's climb. Simmi made 50 vanilla cupcakes and her grandma donated a big batch of her homemade onion bhajis.
Many thanks to:
Himmat Rai for allowing Simmi and SAFS to use his karaoke equipment at no charge
Ameco Electrical Services LTD for providing a sound system
The Cake Shop in Smethwick for donating eggless cupcakes
For more on Simmi's climb, follow: www.simmiclimbskili.wordpress.com and search #simmiclimbskili