Here at SAFS we like to get involved with many different local organisations and activites so when we were approached to work with the Black Country Touring, we jumped at the chance!. Black Country Touring is an organisation who brings professional dance and theatre from all over the UK to the the Black Country.
Their next project is being run by Peter Chand, a professional storyteller who has been travelling back to the Punjab in India uncovering old folk tales and storeis from friends and families. Peter wants to collect as many stories from India, to translate into English and then re-tell them in a performance mixed with music and soundscapes live with UK music producer PKCthe first.
Peter and his colleague Dawinder, a Producer for BCT, approached SAFS as they felt our parents and carers would be another great source for finding out different folk tales and storeis. All of our Parents and carers are from a South Asian background and have storeis from their many different homelands.
Peter and Dawinder met on three occasions with our Parents and Carers group, they sat and talked over tea and shared stories from their childhoods in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Stories many knew but had never had the chance to re-tell.
Our Parents and Carers thoroughly enjoyed these sessions, partly for the nostalgia of reminiscing about their childhoods and homeland. We hope that when the performance is completed in May we will all be able to go and see how their stories have been brought to life and turned into a modern day piece of theatre.
For further information about this project or to get involved in the future please contact Amelia or Sabina, our Project Support Administrators on: 0121 558 2198 or via email: