SAFS families engaging in new ASC-UK research project
SAFS have been contacted by Newcastle University to help facilitate a new study being conducted by an organisation ASC-UK into the effects of Autism in Adulthood.
SAFS have been contacted by Newcastle University to help facilitate a new study being conducted by an organisation ASC-UK into the effects of Autism in Adulthood.
Last year we at SAFS hosted our first ever Macmillan Coffee Morning, which was a huge triumph, as a result of this, we decided to really push the boat out this year and team up with a local business, City Dental Practice for another one!
Here at SAFS we like to get involved with many different local organisations and activites so when we were approached to work with the Black Country Touring, we jumped at the chance!. Black Country Touring is an organisation who brings professional dance and theatre from all over the UK to the the Black Country.
Sanjiv Verma, also know as Raju, has been volunteering at SAFS for 23 years and has been a respected Board member for the past 20 years. Raju has Cerebral Palsy, which affects his speech and mobility. Despite his challenges, Raju has also volunteered for numerous other organisations, including Oldbury Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Ideal for All, both of which work with individuals with disabilities.
SAFS annual Staff and Board Away Day was held at Sandwell Valley Country Park on Saturday 16th May, where care staff, office staff and board members came together to share and discuss the future of SAFS.
Staff and Board members noted why they work/volunteer at SAFS, what they are able to personally contribute and to flag up any gaps in the teams, within their specific service area. Staff and Board members also spoke about the successes in the last year, including the New Year, New SAFS event in January 2015.
On Saturday 26th April, SAFS are celebrating Vaisakhi by holding a Kavi Darbar, a Punjabi poetry reading for people from the local community to come and share religious readings.
We were approached by a member of the public who wanted to celebrate the true meaning of Vaisakhi, the harvest period in India, by combining a fundraiser and a Kavi Darbar.
SAFS and the member of public have decided to support Simmi climbing Kilimanjaro in August 2015.
On Saturday 28th March 2015, SAFS will be attending Include Me TOO's 'National Community Inspriation Awards for Disabled Children, Young People and their Families Awards Evening.'
SAFS staff, board members, individuals who use our services and their families will be attending the event to represent SAFS and support Include Me TOO's first national awards ceremony.
For more information on the awards evening, visit:
Include Me TOO's Outreach and Partnership Co-ordinator, Syeda Khan, met with Poppy (SAFS CEO) and Simmi (SAFS Project Support Administator) to discusses Include Me TOO's new project with Newlife Foundation for Disabled Children.
The project entitled 'Reaching Out', aims to support Black, Asian and other Monirity Ethic (BAME) communities across the West Midlands who care for a disabled or terminally ill child. 'Reaching Out' provides information, awareness and access to specialist care and support through Newlife's care services.
On Sunday 1st March, SAFS held a Karaoke and Cupcake fundraiser in aid of Simmi climbing Kilimanjaro. The event was a complete success - raising £230.70!
The money raised is going to fund a long weekend for the Parents and Carers Group at SAFS.
The event saw families who use SAFS services, friends and family as well as staff come together to show their support and encouragement for Simmi's climb. Simmi made 50 vanilla cupcakes and her grandma donated a big batch of her homemade onion bhajis.
Many thanks to:
SAFS’ Project Support Administrator, Simmi Sohal, is climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in August 2015 to fund a long weekend for the Parents and Carers and their children.